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How I Glowed Up in 6 Months ✨


I’m very proud of you, bro, for checking the link and wanting to change your life for the better, most people didn’t care, but you’re here, take a moment to be grateful!

Here is A Step-By-Step of How I glowed up:

From Day 1 ⇒ Day 15

At this stage, I was depressed, anxious, and not good-looking, and I didn’t know what to do with my life.

No purpose, No drive, eating junk food all day, Watching Porn, Fapping, spending all day on devices, playing video games 8 hours a day, NO LIFE 😢

You can see it in my face; when I took this pic, I was MAD about myself…

on July 2020, I decided to make a CHANGE! 💪

But I always had hope even if I was at my lowest, which kept me going forward to a better life.

So I was watching videos on YouTube like you’re doing right now and searching for someone to teach me to glow up and make progress,

I did one guy called jayrockupnext,” that’s when I discovered self-improvement, good mental health, no fap, etc…

His videos are cringe rn, but back in the day, they were exciting.

What I did here is I ghosted everyone, Stopped posting on every social media platform,

I wanted to prove people wrong, and I could make a change; this is what wakes me and motivates me.

So I started to binge watching Self Improvement content and learning more and more, and I was an Action Taker; if I knew something, I’d immediately do it,

I was going to the gym with my friends and couldn’t lift an empty bar…

But I kept pushing.

Here is what I recommend you to do in the first 15 days:

So What I Recommend to do at this stage is to improve your mental health in These 15 days, remove everything and ghost everybody and focus on your mental health:

Here is a FREE Course on mental health.

I saw Hamza recommending this, and I watched it, and it’s the best course that I’ve watched about mental health:

Go watch it rn:

From Day 15 ⇒ Day 30

I started at the gym, trying things out; I was new to self-improvement.

I thought it was GAY to take care of your skin here,

LITERALLY! Now I have a whole brand on it, lmao.

I had a new fuckboy haircut, too lmao.

By the way, here, I just had a “girlfriend,” and it was my first one ever;

I didn’t love her back then; I was with her just not to be lonely (don’t do that pls, it’s so bad)

it’s my first experience (I took this pic for her, lmao).

I woke up at 6 am that day because I wanted to change so badly!

People often say, “I don’t want to change because I don’t care what people think; I’m an alpha male, bro.”

These people will be lonely and depressed for the rest of their lives.

I’m a human being; I want to look GOOD and feel GOOD about myself so that I can attract & be friends with people like me.

I was wondering why I was friends with nerd, no-life gamers. BECAUSE I WAS A FUCKIN VIDEO GAME ADDICT!

in this stage, I was really in the zone to change,

I was going to the gym, not eating healthy, but I was eating a lot of protein, and I was going out with people (this was a significant change for me, I don’t go out for weeks)

it’s not going to be perfect at first; that’s what the mindset you need to have in your mind at this stage

From Day 30 ⇒ Day 60

At this stage, I started seeing good results in my glow-up journey, and I was investing in clothes. Interacting with more people, broke up with my gf too; I want to be focused.

After two months

I was going consistently to the gym 4-5X a week doing a shitty push-pull-leg split I found online by jeff nipard

As you can see, I made good progress in my body

here is where I noticed that it’s POSSIBLE to make a CHANGE, and this slight improvement made me more powerful to keep going!

I started eating healthy with LITTLE UNHEALTHY food, with HEALTHY a lot of protein:

I’m learning how to cook myself

I made this meal

I tried every excellent habit I could find, tried every good habit, exercise, cold showers, etc…

I was happy with my life here, and I’m feeling better,

and every day, I’m learning how I can make my life better, watching YouTube videos on self-improvement

but it’s NOT PERFECT.x

I was playing video games, I was eating a little bit more unhealthy, I wasn’t making only good habits,

I started small

people these days on social media show people that they have perfect lives,

and it’s not true.

I was addicted to porn here but was progressing in the other areas.

The best advice I can give my old self is to remove social media. In these six months, I wasn’t comparing myself to others and was progressing well. Compare yourself to what you were yesterday

Here is what I did here:

  • trying new things (all the good habits I can find)
  • going to the gym
  • going out more
  • watching videos on fitness
  • Use Pinterest to find suitable clothing (you’ll find good shit there)
  • eating a lot of protein
  • going to clothing stores more (I didn’t buy clothes for 1 year, since I’m always home)

From Day 60 ⇒ Day 120

as you can see, I was making a lot of progress in the gym, and at this point, I was ADDICTED to improving myself.

I was waking up at 6 am every day, excited to go workout; I cut all my bad friends, cut social media off, cut video games, and I was grinding EVERY SINGLE DAY! (growing my hair out also)

People started noticing that I was making progress and taking care of myself,

but I wanted to hide and surprise them later

The clothes fit better right now; I feel good about myself!

and again… it’s not perfect; I was watching porn, but not too much this time,

Because I started doing no fap, broke it after two days…

and then OMG, 1 WEEK, relapsed again…

OMG, ten days Relapse again…

Relapse, Relapse, Relapse….

for two months failure after failure 😭 (btw remove the word failure from your vocabulary)


and this is an important BUT

I was making progress.”


I wasn’t taking care of my skin here, but I had whiteheads and blackheads in my nose, that’s it; I still thought skincare was GAY, LMAO. I didn’t have acne here. This is how my skin looked.

But then things changed; I started to have acne 🙁

I didn’t know what happened! It’s my first experience; I thought it’s NORMAL to have acne on your face; your body is reacting, and it will soon go away SOON…

But… it got WORSE.

I was very insecure about my face,

and this was around the pandemic, so maybe the mask made my skin like that;

I was wearing a mask all the time to hide my acne 😭

I don’t want to go outside anymore (I can’t go outside anyway, lmao)

 To this moment, I still think that “Skin Care is GAY” (I’m laughing while writing this)

(btw no disrespect to LGBT people you do you, I don’t support nor disagree with you)


I gave it a chance this time, and nobody going to see me if I did this lmao

That’s why I said:

“ Oh, you know what? I need to change this” I NEED TO START SKIN CARE! FINALLY

From Day 120 ⇒ Day 180

I started doing research, and then I started my skincare routine journey

I didn’t find good products, tbh

but I know this girl, and she is the reason the channel is built

she has glass skin!!

I was like, “WOW, how did you have this glow on your face? What products do you use?”

and then she said the product that I recommended me these products in my skincare video

as you can see, in 2 MONTHS, my skin has been getting SO MUCH BETTER; 


Cut all the bad habits, even porn, I don’t struggle with no fap anymore, and my skin is better and better in just 2 MONTHS

I was going to the gym 6X a Week is I was VERY DISCIPLINED!

My skin is getting better and better! I took care of it daily, became more confident, and started To LOVE MYSELF again!

Girls are taking pics of me in public,

lmao. I was more attractive, confident, comfortable around girls, smiling more, and loving to be around people!

I wanted to make money online

I started working as a video editor

I got my first dollar Online!

This stage is the best stage of my life!

What did you do to make so much progress in just 2 months?

Good mental health, that’s it, short answer.

So for me, it took six months to glow up, and for you, it may take two months to be more attractive and confident, love yourself, and love what you see in the mirror.

Better your mental health FIRST! Then FOCUS on the other things!

How can I have good mental health?

Go on monk mode. That’s it

I dropped a video on this topic! click here rn

Here is me After six months:

I look more attractive and confident, say mashallah rn bro

Here is my skin in real life (I took this yesterday):

As you can see, my skin is IMPERFECT,

I still have some scars; again, it’s not perfect!

I’m not like the people you see on Pinterest.

Don’t forget that Photoshop removes imperfections

Don’t let them RUIN your mental health. Unfollow every Instagram model!

Even me… Stop watching me if you feel you don’t make progress

The Dark Side Of Glowing up

I started indulging in degeneracy…

This is the dark side of glowing up that no one talk about:

My main focus was to go out with girls and get laid

Since I started taking care of myself, I have more eyes on me now

And I all the girls used to ignore me

And I started attracting more people into my life (most of them are bad)

I thought having a girlfriend was cool…

And I started following the route of degeneracy

going to parties

going on dates and try to get validation from girls

I became more and more miserable

But then I realized I was going in a BAD direction!

So Here is my advice for you

If you glow up, don’t go out and start doing “normal people shit”

You need to keep improving yourselfs

I lost 1 year of improvment in my life

just imagine if I started lookin’ Fresh 1 year ago…

“A SMART Man Learn from his mistakes, A WISE man learn from the mistakes of others”

That’s why right now, I’m in monk mode:

I got a buzz cut and started focusing on myself.

I cut all my friends


and I’m back now to what I did in the six-month glow challenge,

I wasted one year of my life partying,

having drugs,

and going out with girls;

II thought, “You know what, it’s time to glow up mentally and financially.”

and here I’m now, sitting on my desk, working my ass off to be financially free

Then I created a youutbe channel to. document my journey to glowing up

And that’s why I opened Lookin’ Fresh

And Then my first vid Got 200k views

and the channel blowed up

my first youtube channel ever… (that I opened for me)

I was really happy,

but then got mental health issues

from something related to family

and I stopped posting

I was getting paid from youtube

Then I got a problem with my adsense and made me more depressed lmao

Then I lost it all…

Maybe it’s the evil eye idn (yes I believe in it)

and now I’m on a new journey

And I don’t know what’s gonna happen next

but at this exact moment I’m happy…

opened a new channel Lookin’ Fresher

I’m close to 1k Subs Alhamdouliah

and I’m close to making 100K subscribers on this channel, alhamdulillah

If you’re reading this, know that it’s going to be a long & difficult journey, but trust me, it’s going to be worth it; you need to be disciplined

and my last words are to be happy with the small wins,

and you need to keep your head up

YOU, YES YOU the reader right now,

I know you can do this

And everything is gonna be ok

it’s been your boy brother Aziz

Peace out